How It Works

A Step-By-Step Guide to AI-Powered Recruitment

Streamline your hiring process from A to Z with PURR’s AI recruiting software. Our intuitive platform takes the guesswork out of hiring, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Below is your roadmap to the automated recruitment revolution. Learn how to unlock efficiency, streamline your workflow, and discover a new era of talent acquisition.

It All Starts with the Team Profile Setup

Getting started with PURR is simple. The company admin signs up and invites team members, empowering each member to add their position, title, and professional skills and sync their calendar.

To expedite profile setup, team members can seamlessly upload their resumes from LinkedIn. Our AI swiftly parses the PDFs and converts them into digital profiles, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience.

Job Setup & Hiring Process

PURR is the ultimate ally in your quest for top talent. From crafting job descriptions to automating candidate screenings and interviews, we’ve got your back at every turn.

Here’s an in-depth look at how the process works.

Job Creation

Once the job is created, PURR kicks into action, generating a complete “automation” workflow (with only a couple of manual steps). Here’s how it looks:

Automation at Work

Once the job is created, PURR kicks into action, generating a complete “automation” workflow (with only a couple of manual steps). Here’s how it looks:

  • As candidates apply for the open position, our AI swiftly filters them into qualified, maybe fit, or unqualified categories.
  • Qualified candidates receive interview invites, while disqualified candidates are promptly notified. These messages are fully customizable and can be easily managed as templates.
  • Suggested interview rounds and relevant interviewers are automatically assigned, with interview passing or failing manually marked within the system (given the human touch element).
  • Candidates who pass interview rounds get sent an interview invite message, while failed candidates get an interview failure message. Both these messages can also be managed as templates.
  • If a candidate advances to the second-to-last interview round the system automatically initiates reference checks (if needed). Depending on company preferences, this involves sending a question form to candidates to fill out or collecting their responses via an AI dialer (powered by PURR then automatically rates the reference replies as good, bad, or neutral.
  • For a human touch, dedicated interviewers can select the applicant they wish to extend an offer to by simply clicking a button.
  • The system’s generative AI takes care of offer letter creation, which is sent to the candidate for signing. Both parties (the company and the hiree) can use Dropbox Sign, seamlessly integrated into the PURR system for easy signing.
  • With the offer letter out of the way, the company can also run a background check powered by on the applicant.

Broadcasting the Job

With the job application and automation all set up, it’s time to broadcast the job to potential applicants. PURR’s system generates a job application link that is easily shareable on websites or hiring platforms like LinkedIn or Indeed. The application form can also be embedded into company websites using an iframe, providing a hassle-free application process.

Using the Features

The final step? Utilizing all the features that set PURR apart in the world of AI-powered recruitment. We understand that finding the perfect candidate is no easy feat. That’s why we’ve equipped our platform with cutting-edge features designed to make your hiring process smoother, smarter, and more efficient than ever before.

From AI-powered resume filtering to seamless interview setup and reference checks, PURR has everything you need to streamline your recruitment efforts and find your next star talent.

Ready to Give PURR a Go?

This step-by-step guide illustrates how you can use PURR to simplify and enhance every stage of the recruitment process, ensuring efficiency, reliability, and success from start to finish.

If you’re ready to take it for a spin, don’t hesitate to book a demo or start a free trial today to get a taste of PURR’s capabilities.